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3rd Milton Keynes Marina Open Day - Rainy, but Another Success!

Saturday May 12, 2012 at 1:59pm
Cheese Boat and Fudge Boat
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The 3rd Milton Keynes Open Day was on May Bank Holiday, and although it rained all day, everyone made the most of this years new attractions the Cheese Boat and the Fudge Boat! Another busy stall was the home made cakes baked by the moorers at the Marina and sold on the day to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

The day attracted more visitors than last year with everyone enjoying a great day out. Local residents and people interested in finding out more about the waterways in MK were all welcome to come along and enjoy the Marina.

It was a great day out for all the family with a whole host of activities and events throughout the day. As alway MK Afloat was very popular, taking over 300 people on short canal trips to get the real taste of being on the canals.

Cruisers, narrowbeam, and widebeam canalboats were on display with many viewings and a few lucky people finding the dream boats thanks to MK Brokerage - the only canal boat brokerage in Milton Keynes!

For those wanting to stay on dry land the local Fire Brigade were offering boat safety checks and advice on fire safety as well as showing the children around their Fire Engine! And the MK Play Association boat Funion Bargee was visted by over 100 children who took part in the pirate themed activites during the day.

The day is supported by British Waterways and the Bedford & MK Waterways Trust.  Lionhearts Cruising Club also had a stand and provided information about enjoying the waterways through Milton Keynes and their plans for the future. The day was free to all, with charity collections for Willen Hospice, the MK Air Ambulance, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Richard, Barbara & team would like to thanks everyone who made this day a great success - any one with any pictures to add to our gallery of the day, please send to - Many Thanks!!

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Milton Keynes Marina Ltd, Registered Office: Stoke House Farm, Stoke Road, Stoke Hammond, Milton Keynes, Registered in England (No 7027708). VAT No: 974 8063 82